Back to School Blues

It's that time of year again for my fellow mom and dads, school teachers and coaches and students of all ages. Summer seems to fly by ever so quickly these days. Now it's back to school shopping and preparations while still trying to soak up the last of summer time fun. This year is different for me though. I would like to share with you some intimate details about what is happening in my life in hopes that you can either share advice or similar experiences with me. Well, I feel like I blinked and she went from diapers to preparing for college. My daughter has been a true gem her entire life and I have enjoyed every minute of the journey, but now is the time that I have to trust that her father and I have prepared her for being a responsible adult in this world. I will be driving her down to move into her dorm at University of Kentucky (UK) this Friday.

Go Wildcats!  Photography by Libby McAvoy

Go Wildcats!  Photography by Libby McAvoy

Oh boy does saying that bring a rush of emotions to my head and to my heart. I sit here typing with tears welling up in my eyes. I am beyond happy and excited for her next leg of this journey. I believe deeply that Morgan will accomplish her greatest dreams and be a successful student. She will be in the College of Agriculture with an undergraduate in animal sciences hoping to go on to Vet School. Needless to say this life transition brings with it uncertainty. Morgan is nervous as well as excited, but will miss her family, friends and pets. I am sad to “lose” my daughter and quite frankly best friend. I am scared for the experiences that will bring her challenges and heartaches, dissapointments and fears, but that all comes with growing up. I know that she will learn by leaps and bounds and excel. And I, of course, am looking forward to her visit home for Thanksgiving, the phone calls and the many text between us.

So many proud achievements over the past four years.

So many proud achievements over the past four years.

For those of us who are sending a child away for the first time this year, UK did a phenominal job in their parent orientation sharing ideas that help students excel. They explained to us parents that sending a text before big exams or papers are due and calling after to see how it went really helps students (our children) feel that we are there with them in spirit. He also said that small care packages from home are well always received. I have taken notes and plan to stay close to her even from a distance. 

Bonding time hiking with my son at Red River Gorge.

Bonding time hiking with my son at Red River Gorge.

 This transition also brings change for my son. Corwin is entering 8th grade this year. Having his sister away from home brings great changes to him in multiple ways. He is used to her driving him places and they are very close. It is a great way to teach him that our love for people does not change because of the distance between us. He is looking forward to having special visits with his sister without his parents around too, especially for a basketball game. But as he too goes back to school I am also excited that I will now have more time with him. This is a very important year for Corwin as he prepares for high school next year. Being the second child sometimes means taking a back seat or not having things be new and as special for him. But, at least he knows I will do drivers ed a little better when it's his turn and his sister definitely paved a good path for him. I also look forward to making special memories with Corwin while Morgan is away.

Some parents cannot wait for school to resume. I have never felt this way. I love time spent with my kids and the relaxed schedule of summer. However, I am excited to finish projects of my own including my upcoming book about stress. I believe that although we are parents, it is also important to remember our own unique identity and purpose. Using my positive thinking I am excited to dedicate more time to organizing, updating a couple rooms at home, and getting back to a more disciplined routine of working out. 

Celebrating Graduation with Family and friends.

Celebrating Graduation with Family and friends.

Although transitions do bring uncertainties, it is important to embrace them as we have discussed in our latest blog series. Uncertainties, such as the transitions back to school, also bring new opportunities, positive changes, unlimited possibilities and growth. Now is the time. Get excited if you to are in this season of change with me. It is time to give our children wings and launch them lovingly into a new level in their lives. Of course, being the energetic beings that we are, as they launch into new begininings we too follow. Life is exciting. Let’s see what this amazing school year brings to us all.

Peace and encouragement,


P.S. - For those parents who have been through college transitions or have moved children away from home, I would love to invite you to share ways to communicate anything that helped your child or yourself. You can comment in the box below or on our latest post on Instagram.

Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Posts Every Tuesday and Saturday

Why You Should Not Fear Death

I have two friends who passed and went to the other side before coming back into their bodies. They both experienced the most beautiful unconditional love and peace while they were on the other side. It was so wonderful there that they didn’t want to come back. They were both told, however, that it was not their time and then they were drawn back into their bodies. This experience had a profound effect upon both of their lives. Today they no longer fear death and they have an incredibly strong sense of purpose on this planet. As a result they live more fully than before and have a positive impact upon those who are blessed to know them.

Embrace the magical moments that life offers. Photography by Paul Garrett

In Libby’s last blog titled, "Live the Life You Love," she wrote about the fear of death and how it has a tendency to hold us back from fully living. This fear is so common and yet there are countless stories from people who have died and come back to life that the other side is a beautiful place that we should not fear. You see death is not the end. Instead it is a transition from this plane of existence to another dimension where our souls continue on their journey. I was with both of my parents when they passed away. Although it was sad saying goodbye, the process itself was very peaceful. I once wondered if it would be painful missing them after they were gone. The reality is that I feel their warm presence everyday and that is very comforting.

So live your life to the fullest extent and do not fear death because there is nothing to fear on the other side. You have an important purpose while you are here and it is your job to discover that purpose and use your God given talent to make this world a better place. There are many ways to do that and each of us has our own unique mission to fulfill. FEAR has been described as False Evidence Appearing Real. For the most part it isn’t real. It is just a product of our imaginations most of the time because we think and worry way too much about the future. Therefore, live fully in the present moment for it is all that we really have.

Life is incredibly light and beautiful when we let go of all fears. Photography by Paul Garrett

See if you can release your fears starting today. By letting go of the heavy dense energy of fear, you will feel lighter, happier and more energetic. In addition you will be able to manifest positive things into your life like never before. It's important for us to acknowledge and face our fears in order to release them. When we stuff our fears down or just plain ignore them, often they cause energy blocks that lead to other problems within us including disease. In his New York Times best selling book, "The Untethered Soul," Michael A. Singer writes at length about clearing trapped emotions and transmuting them through your heart. You can read my review of this book by clicking on its title above. 

Let’s give power to our courage and inspire each other to fearlessly live our very best lives!!

Wishing you happiness, great health and courage,


P.S. - Thanks so much for your support, your likes, your comments and your DM’s on Instagram! Your encouragement truly inspires us to keep writing. Know that we love and appreciate you all!  Libby and I would also like to give a personal shoutout to all of our new readers in Boardman, Oregon. You guys are awesome!!

Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Posts Every Tuesday and Saturday

Live the Life You Love

What holds us back from accomplishing all of our dreams? In most cases it is simply the confines of our own minds, which are too often ruled by fear. There is the fear of failure and the fear of getting hurt, but the biggest innate one for us subconciously is the fear of death. Let's face it, fear of the unknown comes with the thought of death. Where will our spirit go? Will we go to heaven or hell? What is heaven really like anyway? Have you ever found yourself asking these or similar questions? Death is truly a part of life. After all the only thing that we know for certain is that someday we will die. 

Photography By Libby McAvoy

Photography By Libby McAvoy

As I sit on my airplane looking out the window at the fluffy beautiful clouds I am reminded of wondering as a child what it would be like to hop playfully from one cloud to the next. I clearly remember pondering how much I would sink in or if I would fall through the bottom of the clouds. These inquisitive thoughts are symbollic because I pictured myself going to heaven after death on earth. I thought that is what it would be like; I woud just live “up there.” As an adult I realize that clouds are impervious or unaffected by us. I have even driven right through them in the mountains of Tennessee. So, what does that mean? I guess I will never get to bounce on them, they have no soft fluffy texture that I once thought. 

The mind is powerful. Things are not always as they seem. The most important thing we can do is to think positively and attract positive outcomes. When we live in fear we are not making the most of this beautiful life we have been given. Yes, we will die someday, but many of us are never fully living to begin with because of fears that hold us back. Go after your dreams, believe that you deserve happiness because you do. Make the most of everyday and ask yourself the folloing questions:

  1. Who am I? (try to avoid titles and think deeply)
  2. What do I really control?
  3. What can I say no to to make more time for things I want to try?
  4. What do I desire most?

Photography by Libby McAvoy

I am currently reading "The Daily Stoic Journal", which encourages daily journaling. Each day the book poses a new question and I am guided to focus my awareness on that particular thought and then write about it. It is amazing how much clarity this process is bringing me. It is helping me understand myself better. We are each unique beings, but at our core we are all the same meaning we are divine beings, yes all of us. No one is bad we just make poor decisions sometimes, some more than others. So I no longer believe in heaven or hell. I do not know where our souls go when our bodies perish, but I am letting go of fear. I am changing the direction of my thoughts to start living each day. I am letting go.

Feeling like a road warrior (warrior two pose) in Kentucky.

Let go and simply live, love and laugh. Yes, we might get hurt, but we might not. We never know unless we try. So, have faith and stick with positive thoughts! As Paul so eloquently wrote about dealing with uncertainties in life in his last blog, embrace those uncertainties and allow life to bring you beautiful surprises. 

Peace and Light,


P.S. - If you enjoyed this blog, please click on the "Likes" button or leave a comment below. We love hearing from you! You can also connect with us on Instagram; @libbymcavoy @thepaulgarrett @totalsoulfuljourney

Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Posts Every Tuesday and Saturday

How to Deal With Uncertainty

August and September are transitional months and with change comes uncertainty. As we transition from summer into fall many of us are dealing with big moves in our lives. Some are starting new jobs, others are going off to college for the first time, and many of us are actually moving to new places.

It is possible to sit comfortably with uncertainty. Photography by Paul Garrett

It is possible to sit comfortably with uncertainty. Photography by Paul Garrett

Uncertainty can be stressful and the anxiety that it brings does not sit well with most of us. We like to know what is coming up and to have total control over our futures. The reality, however, is that we have little control outside of ourselves. There are just too many factors that depend upon other people before they can be worked out. What we can control, however, is how we respond to what is going on around us. Self mastery and faith are two practices that will help you to conquer uncertainty and to grow in mind, body and spirit.

I think that most of us take life too seriously and that we care way too much what other people think of us. This leads us to perfectionism, people pleasing, double guessing and stress. During a time of transition it tempting to force our will upon the outcomes not only to feel in control, but to also impress other people out of fear that they will judge us if we fail. 

Use uncertainty to your advantage. It can be a good thing! Photography by Paul Garrett

Use uncertainty to your advantage. It can be a good thing! Photography by Paul Garrett

I’m moving in September and for the first time I don’t know exactly when and where I will finally end up. People want to know “what’s your A plan and your B plan?” This time around I have given my plans up to the Universe, trusting fully that the best outcomes are in the works for me. In the meanwhile I am going to go on a road trip that I have been dreaming of for awhile to see parts of the USA that I have not seen in years and to gather new inspiration and photos for this blog. This might sound crazy, however, the Universe has brought me some unexpected experiences and opportunities over the past three years that have been amazing. As a result I’ve truly learned to trust the journey and let go. Thanks to my growing faith, I’ve become comfortable for the most part with uncertainty. In fact, I often welcome it because it can be exciting and it is always a catalyst for my growth.

Here are 5 tips for dealing with uncertainty:

  1. Practice faith - Trust that the Universe has your back.
  2. Work on yourself - learn a new skill or try doing something that you have never tried before. This will give you confidence.
  3. Eat healthy food - Unhealthy food is a source of stress, but fresh organic fruits and veggies will give your body the perfect energy to keep you healthy and feeling good as you deal with uncertainty.
  4. Move your body - exercise will make you feel more confident and energetic.
  5. Surrender and release - Visualize the outcome that you are looking for and then surrender it to the Universe. Trust that everything will work out perfectly for your highest greatest good.

Uncertainty is a part of life. Welcome it as an opportunity to change and grow. Sometimes it takes being terribly uncomfortable to move us out of our comfort zones and into action. Growth only comes when we challenge ourselves and I believe wholeheartedly that we are not here just to eat, sleep, work and pay the bills. We are her to enjoy life, to learn, to love, to fulfill our purpose and to grow.

Wishing you all the best,


Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Posts Every Tuesday and Saturday

Ahh The Tastes of Summer

Summer is the perfect time for fresh local produce. We all have our favorite summer seasonal treats such as ripe tasty tomatoes, refreshingly sweet watermelon, crisp corn on the cob, popsicles & ice cream, and sipping lemonade from your neighborhood lemonade stand. But let's go a little deeper. We tend to crave certain foods in the summer and there is a very logical reason for that. 

Take time to enjoy outdoor activities like SUP yoga during the summer. Photography by Morgan Mcavoy

The heat of summer affects our hypothalamus, which regulates our tempreature as well as our appetite. When we are hot,  the body and the brain prioritize and choose to regulate our temperature and therefore our appetite is a bit suppressed. My son’s favorite summer food is pizza. For me personally, I like meals like gazpacho (recipe at bottom of page), tarator (which is a cold Bulgarian cucumber soup), grilled anything... lol, fresh sliced tomatoes with basil and either blue cheese or mozzarella with basamic vinegar, and of course peach cobbler (recipe at bottom of page) for dessert or just a bowl of fresh berries. 

Fresh and yummy gazpascho. Photography by Libby Mcavoy

Ayurveda is the five thousand year old Vedic “science of life”, which is the traditional natural healing system of India (Ayurveda and the Mind, Dr. David Frawley). Today Ayurveda is often referred to as mind body medicine. In Ayurveda it is explained that each of us have a body type or Dosha, and the three constitutional types are Pitta, Kapha, Vata. In addition, each of body type  requires certain foods to achieve maximum health. It is fairly involved, but logical. Each season also has a preferred type. For example; summer is a Pitta Dosha, fire element, which requires cooling foods such as cucumber and watermelons. We naturally crave what our bodies want and need and these needs change throughout the year.

Checkout my blog post on Juicing for more recipes. Photography by Libby Mcavoy

There are exceptions to every rule of course, but it's important to tune into your body and listen to your intuition. If you are feeling dehydrated or thirsty, try drinking water with sliced lemon and cucumber. Also avoid spicy foods if you are feeling overheated. And I highly urge you to visit your local farmers markets during the summer. Talk to the vendors and ask about foods you are not familiar with. I recently discovered purple daikon radishes. You might discover new foods or new uses for foods you might not otherwise know about. Usually the farmers are up early in the morning picking and cleaning the produce for your purchase that very same day. It does not get much fresher or better than that! 

There's nothing kayaking on a hot summer day. Photography by Libby Mcavoy

There's nothing kayaking on a hot summer day. Photography by Libby Mcavoy

Enjoy these long days as they pass by quickly! If you are not a fan of the heat try, dipping in a pool or a run through the sprinkler. Let your inner child come out to play. Fall will be here before we know it and it will be apple picking and pumpkin carving season. But, for now, stay in the moment, make the best of the dog days of summer and feed yourself refreshing, cooling seasonal foods. We want to fuel our bodies so that we can enjoy the outdoor activities that summer entices us with such as paddle boarding, swimming, kayak or canoeing, and walking after dinner or first thing in the morning.

Bon Appetit,


P.S. - Below are two of my favorite recipes for summer. Please share your favorite summer foods in the comment box below or on my Instagram @libbymcavoy.


The Best Gazpacho

4 cans of tomato juice, chilled

1 sm sweet onion (finely minced)

2 cans rotel, drained & chopped 

1 green pepper, finely minced

1 cucumber, finely minced

2 green onions, chopped

1/2 clove garlic, minced

1 heaping tsp. of local honey

2 T Red wine vinegar

Juice of 1/2 lemon

Juice of 1 lime

1 tsp dried tarragon

1 tsp dried basil

Dash of cumin

Dash of tabasco

Salt & pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients & chill. 

*note: the green chilis in the rotel give this quite a spicy bite so feel free to use mild if you prefer non spicy.

Submitted by Libby McAvoy

Peach Cobbler_2230-logo.jpg

Easy Peach Cobbler

 3/4 cup flour

Pinch of salt

2 tsp baking powder

3/4 cup milk

1/2 cup butter, melted

1 1/2 cup sugar

2 cups of fresh peaches, sliced 

2 cup blueberries (blueberries are optional, but I like both)

Pre heat oven to 350. 

Place melted butter in a 8x8 (or similar size) baking dish. In a separate bowl combine flour, salt, and baking powder. Add 1/2 cup sugar slowly and stir in the milk to make a batter. Pour the batter over the butter (do not mix together). 

Mix the fruit with the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar and then carefully spoon over batter. 

Bake 1 hour 

Submitted by Libby McAvoy

Awaken • Inspire • Empower

New Posts Every Tuesday and Saturday

6 Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Our Pets

6 Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Our Pets

I’ve been pet sitting a dog and a cat for the past three days and they have reminded me just how much we can learn from them and why we love animals so much. Let me share with you the six lessons that I have been reminded of from this experience:

1. Love unconditionally: If you have a dog or a cat I’m sure that you can relate to this. Animals express unconditional love so freely and it makes us feel appreciated and happy. Imagine if we could be that free to share our love with other people without fear of rejection, expectations or judgement. Think how good that would make you feel. So many of us have been hurt in intimate relationships that we tend to hold back for fear of getting hurt again. Take it from a dog and always choose love over fear. By opening our hearts to others we can experience the beautiful energy of love and acceptance.

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Ditch the Number Game

Ditch the Number Game

Numbers are never ending. If you put a dollar amount or weight goal in terms of numbers you will forever chase your goals. Let's talk weight. Are you happy with your current weight? Often I hear friends say that they want to lose 5 pounds. But why a number? I believe it is far more important to feel good than to judge yourself by a number. To me, I know I am at a healthy weight when I can move with ease and lightness, feel energetic and confidant and when my clothes fit comfortably.

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How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety Caused by Work or Relationships

How to Overcome Fear and Anxiety Caused by Work or Relationships

Fear and anxiety are so pervasive these days. Amongst our biggest fears is the fear that we are not good enough. This leads to other fears like the fear of failure, the fear of abandonment and the fear that we will never be loved. If only we could realize that these fears are illusions, we could then break the grip that they hold over us, banish our anxiety and start living the beautiful lives that we were born to live. 

Don’t get me wrong. Life will always have its tests and trials. Challenges and obstacles are necessary in to teach us the lessons that will help us to grow wiser and stronger. As humans we have a natural tendency to resist adversity. We would rather ignore it with the hope that it will go away on its own. Our resistance, however, creates more anxiety and pain in our lives. It also makes us feel helpless. In order to reverse this downward spiral, we need to face our fears and ove

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The Irony of Vacations

The Irony of Vacations

Vacation travel allows for expansion. Whether you prefer beaches or mountains is irrelevant. What really matters is taking time out to gain new perspectives, renew our energy and enjoy our lives. We all love to dream of our escapes. Some of us travel more than others. Some travel great distances and others stay close to home. The important lesson is to travel not to escape daily life, but to enhance it! Vacation allows us quality time where we can build lasting memories with friends and family. Yes, we love to capture moments by camera to share with others, but be mindful to stay fully present and not get pulled into social media for too long.

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Understanding the Law of Attraction and How it Can Work For You

Understanding the Law of Attraction and How it Can Work For You

Bob Proctor is an inspiring man who has taught The Law of Attraction to millions of people around the world. One of his most famous quotes is, “If you can see it in your mind, you will hold it in your hand.” This is exactly what happened to me last week when I went to The North Face store in Seattle to buy a Gore-Tex jacket for hiking. For the past six months I’ve been looking for a waterproof jacket in a specific shade of blue with no luck. They were always too expensive and not the exact color that I had in mind. I’m not an impulsive buyer and I rarely pay full price for anything. A little over a week ago I started seeing The North Face ads on Instagram for their Summer Sale with up to 40% off of past season styles so I decided to check out their sale.

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In Gratitude

In Gratitude

Libby is away on summer vacation with her family so I would like to take this time to personally thank you for reading our blog and supporting all that we do at Total Soulful Journey. We are humbled and grateful to all of you who reach out to us on a weekly basis and tell us how much our writing inspires you and how it has helped you trough difficult times. Believe me when I say that your feedback and kind words mean the world to us! We also want to extend a special thank you to all of our international readers from Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Australia. We love that TSJ is an international community where we can all grow together and become the best versions of ourselves.

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From Mindfulness to Awakening to Higher Consciousness

From Mindfulness to Awakening to Higher Consciousness

Mindfulness is a powerful practice that helps us to calm our minds, focus our thoughts and anchor ourselves in the present. By being aware of being aware we are able to live our lives with intention, focus our energy on what really matters to us and let go of what no longer serves our greatest good. This means that we become aware of the unconscious programming that has controlled our thoughts and our behaviors, and awaken to the realization that we no longer have to be rule by it.

Two highly effective ways to make the unconscious conscious is through meditation and journaling. They are especially effective if you do them first thing in the morning before your mind is filled with your to do list for the day. To learn how to meditate, check out Libby’s previous post called, “The Powerful Benefits of Meditation and How to Get Started.”

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Is Your Mind Full or Are You Mindful?

Is Your Mind Full or Are You Mindful?

Mindfulness is a big buzz word right now. I have learned mindfulness through my yoga practice and studies. Mindful speaking, mindful meditations and basically growing awareness to cultivate a higher consciousness is what I think of when I hear the word mindfulness. However, this week when I completed parent orientation at the University of Kentucky for my daughter’s freshman year I heard the word and a detailed explanation in an entirely new way. We heard from many authorities and leaders from the school and it was very impressive how many resources are available to the students at UK, but the head of student services talked at great length about the transitions and stress our children undergo throughout college, but especially the freshman transition. He talked about what it means to drink responsibly. Think about this and jot down how you would explain that phrase to your child. First, be of legal age.

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The Soulful Side of Eating

The Soulful Side of Eating

Sex and eating have a lot in common. They both involve pleasure through our senses and they can connect us more deeply with other people as a shared activity. That is if we slow down our super busy lives, become more mindful and make them a priority. 

The idea for Total Soulful Journey began years ago while I was on a photo safari in Africa with a couple from Spain, a couple from Canada and a number of couples from the USA. After shooting the sunset each evening we would return to our safari camp or hotel for dinner. The Americans typically ate quickly and returned to their rooms. My Spanish and Canadian friends, however, dined slowly savoring the wonderful flavors of the food along with a yummy variety of South African wines while sharing personal stories, laughter and camaraderie. These dinners had a soulfulness to them that was sadly lacking from my rushed dining experiences back in the States. Upon returning home I was determined to bring mindfulness and the romance of fine food back into my life. 

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Juicing 101

Juicing 101

Juicing is one of my new favorite things and I am about to explain why! I am not talking about a juice fast or cleanse, but simply adding a juice a day to keep the doctor away. Suddenly more juice places are popping up, my friends are talking about it and a local yoga studio is even thinking of offering juice to its clients. I personally do not own a juicer, but my dear friend does and was kind enough to show me how to juice using a combination of fruits and vegetables that pair well. I began to juice almost every day and I noticed my skin becoming clear and bright and I was far more energetic. I occasionally drank the juice as my breakfast, but most of the time I juiced in addition to my meals. 

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Love is the Garden That Grows in Your Heart

Love is the Garden That Grows in Your Heart

Love is the garden that grows in your heart. If you do not tend to it with care, it will wither or become overrun by the weeds of life. This is also true with our minds if we allow them to be consumed by negative thoughts. 

A beautiful love garden begins with loving ourselves. As we’ve mentioned before on this blog, we cannot fully love another person until we learn to love ourselves and feel our completeness on our own. Many people seek out intimate relationships with the thought that they need another person to make them complete. By giving our power over to a significant other we place the responsibility for our happiness unfairly upon that person. This may also lead to codependency, neediness and a lack of balance in the relationship. Often times people repeat this pattern over and over with others, wondering why their relationships never work out. Heartache, fear, jealousy, anger, neediness and contempt are weeds to the heart and leave little room for unconditional love and romance to bloom. This creates conflict, drama and resentment, which can lead to a downward spiral.

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How to Communicate Effectively in Times of Conflict

How to Communicate Effectively in Times of Conflict

Conflicts can always be expected in life. We cannot avoid all hard times because sometimes they happen for a reason that is beyond us. People are like magnets or mirrors. We are attracted to what we have within us. And when we are upset by someone either angererd or hurt, that too is a reflection of something within us that causes a rise in emotion. Learning to respond to conflicts rather than reacting to them is key for peaceful resolution. What is the difference?

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The Power of Belief - Part 4: “The Power To Heal”

The Power of Belief - Part 4: “The Power To Heal”

Our beliefs have a power and influence over our health and our wellbeing. What we think can actually manifest in our bodies both good and bad. You probably know people who focus on their aches and pains, talking about them often as if they are part of who they are. For these individuals there is always something that is ailing them and they are happy to tell you about it. On the other hand, you may know individuals who are super positive and never seem to get sick. Even when they feel symptoms coming on they say, “no, I’m not going to get sick” and miraculously they don’t. 

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Suicide is Not the Answer 

Suicide is Not the Answer 

Life is precious. There are many times when we do not understand what is going on and we all have that in common. In fact we are more alike than different. Anxiety and depression are on the rise. We all have fears and insecurities, they just vary. There is a feeling of hopelessness looming in the air at times, but I urge everyone to dig deep and plant your roots in the power of belief and purpose. If you do not yet know your purpose, please forget the expectations and opinions of others and follow your passion.

Because of the two major suicide stories this week of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, may they rest in peace, the subject of suicide is now being brought into the limelight and it is time that we have an honest discussion about it that comes from a place of love without judgement.

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The Power of Belief - Part 3: Faith in Something Bigger

The Power of Belief - Part 3: Faith in Something Bigger

Ponder for a moment what a miracle it is that you exist here and now on a beautiful planet in the middle of an infinite universe reading this blog on a smart phone or a computer, written by a person who may live on the other side of the world from you. It’s rather mind boggling, isn’t it? Now go inward and think about the ingenious complexity of your body… all of your organs, blood vessels, skin, bones, muscles, nerves and individual cells and how they make it possible for you to think and to move about… Can you see that you are a living miracle?

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