6 Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Our Pets

6 Life Lessons That We Can Learn From Our Pets

I’ve been pet sitting a dog and a cat for the past three days and they have reminded me just how much we can learn from them and why we love animals so much. Let me share with you the six lessons that I have been reminded of from this experience:

1. Love unconditionally: If you have a dog or a cat I’m sure that you can relate to this. Animals express unconditional love so freely and it makes us feel appreciated and happy. Imagine if we could be that free to share our love with other people without fear of rejection, expectations or judgement. Think how good that would make you feel. So many of us have been hurt in intimate relationships that we tend to hold back for fear of getting hurt again. Take it from a dog and always choose love over fear. By opening our hearts to others we can experience the beautiful energy of love and acceptance.

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