How to Increase Your Energy During the Winter

Do you struggle with low energy during late fall and winter? We’ve recently had a series of cold gloomy days in the Pacific Northwest and I have to say that they started to take a toll on my mood and my level of energy. The good news is that there are things that we can do to help boost our energy this time of year in the northern hemisphere and ultimately help us feel happy and productive.

Everything is energy. Our bodies, our emotions, the spirit and life forces that comprise our deepest being all depend on the flow of energy in order to keep us feeling at our best. Therefore, it is important that we look at ways in which we can boost our energy in mind, body and spirit.

Paul Garrett - photography by Melissa Garrett

Paul Garrett - photography by Melissa Garrett

How to Increase Your Mental Energy

  1. Meditate - Just 5 minutes of mediation can calm your mind and save you energy.

  2. Be honest - It’s important to be honest with ourselves, as well as with others. Hiding the truth can exhaust your energy.

  3. Tell your truth - Not standing up for ourselves can also drain our energy.

  4. Practice gratitude - Being grateful raises our vibration. If you are feeling down, think of 3 things or people that you are grateful for. Repeat them out loud and notice how the energy in your body feels better. Better yet, smile while you practice gratitude. This will stimulate your body to release happiness hormones.

  5. Start each day with a positive intention - What’s your reason for getting out of bed? When we have purpose and direction it is easy to raise our energy to help us accomplish our goals.

  6. Surround yourself with positive people - positive people give off positive energy. Just being around happy people can give you a boost of positive vibes.

  7. Practice forgiveness and let go of what no longer serves your highest good - Holding onto grudges will drain your energy. Let go of the burdens that that are bringing you down. Unforgiveness hurts you more than it hurts the other person.

  8. Do not participate in other people’s drama.

Aileen day - Photography by Paul Garrett

Aileen day - Photography by Paul Garrett

How to Feel More Energetic in Your Body

  1. Move your body everyday - Exercise is so beneficial. Not only does it move energy around our bodies, an elevated workout can boost the levels of endorphins in our bodies. In addition, it is easier to feel good about yourself when your body feels fit and strong.

  2. Make getting 8 hours of sleep a night a priority - Sleep is vital for the repair and restoration of our bodies. Our culture glorifies being busy and sleep deprived. If you want to feel energetic and be healthy it is important that you get sufficient quality sleep every night.

  3. Eat nutrient dense food - This time of year our bodies crave comfort foods that are high in carbohydrates and fats. However, it is important to eat high energy foods such as organic fruits, nuts and vegetables in order to fully fuel and nurture our bodies.

  4. Supplement with high quality vitamins and minerals - It has been said that our bodies need around 90 vitamins and minerals to optimally function (watch the video below). Three key energy related vitamins and minerals that you may be lacking this time of year are vitamins D and B12, as well as magnesium. A good doctor who practices naturopathic medicine can help you determine what supplements are best for your body.

  5. Avoid sugar - We love sweets and desserts this time of year, however, it has been found that processed sugar can be very taxing on our bodies causing our insulin levels to spike and our energy to eventually crash. Be mindful of this especially during the holidays when there are so many sweet temptations presented to us. Moderation is always a good rule when it comes to sweets.

  6. Avoid overeating - It takes a lot of energy for our bodies to process and digest food. Especially heavy foods like meat. Stuffing ourselves until we feel miserable makes us sluggish as our bodies have to devote blood and energy to our gut to process so much food. A helpful rule is to eat until you are about 80 percent full. This will avoid stretching out your stomach and the unwanted weight gain that comes with overeating.

  7. Spend time in the sunshine - Sunlight not only helps our bodies produce vitamin D, it also wakes our minds up by stimulating the release of serotonin. We can benefit from sunshine even on a cloudy day so make a point of getting outside each day and you will feel better.

  8. Avoid toxins - Poisonous chemicals are everywhere including in our water, air and in our food. Pesticides, herbicides and heavy metals can cause illness in our bodies and rob us of energy. Avoid exercising along busy roads where there is a lot of car exhaust, use a good filtration system on your tap water and whenever possible buy organic foods.

  9. Practice deep belly breathing - Most of us do not breath properly much of the time. Under stress our bodies naturally go into shallow breathing and we fall short on getting a good supply of oxygen to the cells throughout our bodies. Stop right now and take a deep breath filling your lungs completely and expanding your belly as your diaphragm pulls downward. Try to become conscious of your breathing and do this practice regularly. As a result you will not only energize your body with oxygen, you will also feel more relaxed.

How to Energize your Spirit

  1. Honor yourself - Politely say NO to people and obligations that drain your energy.

  2. Practice self care - Take a candle lit bath, read a good book by the fireplace or take a guilt free nap when you need one. In other words, take time for yourself to renew your energy.

  3. Once again, meditate. This will calm your mind and help you connect with your soul.

  4. Listen to your favorite music - It will raise your vibration and make you feel good.

  5. Simplify - Once again we glorify being busy in western culture to our own detriment. Simplify your life by no longer doing the things that drain you. Also declutter your home and your workplace. Clutter has a way of draining emotional energy.

  6. Decorate your house with candles and lights - The magic of Christmas lights has a way of lifting our spirits. Create an environment with lights that warms your heart and lifts your spirit during the shorter days of the year.

Alex Callahan - Photography by Paul Garrett

Alex Callahan - Photography by Paul Garrett

Use these tips to empower yourself with beautiful energy. We all get tired, but now you know how to overcome low energy days and feel your best. If you have tips to add to these lists I would love to read them in the comments below. You can also connect with me on Instagram by clicking on this link: @totalsoulfuljourney

I wish you a magical December and I also want to give a big THANKS and welcome to all of the new subscribers to my newsletter. I had to step back from this blog for the past couple months to make a big move. Now that I’ve settled in I promise to bring you new content on a more regular basis once again. Thanks so much for reading and supporting this blog!

All the best,


*This blog is for information purposes only. Always visit your physician regarding any health issues that you may be experiencing.

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