The Key to Your Health and Solving Climate Change

You have the power everyday to make the world a better place and it all starts with the word: BACTERIA.

Your personal health depends greatly upon eating natural organic foods that are grown or raised in a manner that does not harm the beneficial micro organisms that live in healthy soil. Did you know that bacteria in the soil break down important minerals, which then makes them available to be obsorbed by the plants that we eat? Without these important micro-organisms, the crops that we grow have fewer vitamins and minerals and therefore they are less nutritious for us. These bacteria also play a key role in sequestering CO2 from the air back into the soil where it benefits the plants. Healthy soil is living soil and it is vital to the CO2 cycle on earth and can help us to naturally mitigate climate change.

Photo by Paul Garreett

What Is Regenerative Agriculture?

I recently watch an interesting documentary on Netflix called, “Kiss the Ground.” It is all about regenerative agriculture and how it improves the quality of our food, the health of the soil and its important role, as I mentioned above, in the CO2 cycle that our planet depends on for life.

Woody Harrelson narrates this informative film, which shows the stark contrast between industrial farming and regenerative agriculture. This documentary demonstrates how modern conventional farming with toxic pesticides and herbicides kills the important organisms in the top soil, poisons the food that we eat, makes our crops less nutritious and has an adverse impact upon our health. At one point in the film we are shown the dried out barren dirt of an industrial farm right next to the healthy looking soil of a regenerative farm. The difference between the two is night and day. One plot of land looks dead and the other one looks healthy and productive.

In a Nutshell Regenerative Farming Includes:

  1. Cover crops to protect the top soil from erosion

  2. Diversity of crops over mono culture

  3. No till - In regenerative farming the soil is not dug up and turned over

  4. Regenerative farming also includes compost and animal rotation

Livestock are regularly rotated to the parts of the farmland that are being allowed to rest and regenerate for a season. The animals feed upon the grasses that grow in these parcels and their dung provides organic fertilizer and bacteria that enrich the soil for the next time that it is used to grow crops.

In regenerative farming toxic herbicides and pesticides are not used. As a result the bacteria in the soil are not harmed or killed, and the crops are also free from these chemicals and are therefore designated as organic.

The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of all blessings. Let food be thy medicine.
— Hippocrates

We Also Depend Upon Bacteria in Our Bodies

Beneficial bacteria are also vital inside our digestive system for breaking down our food so that our bodies can absorb the nutrients. Our gut flora also create important vitamins that keep us healthy and energetic. Toxins, such as glyphosate, harm the flora in our intestines and are suspected contributors to leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune disorders. Our gut flora also create serotonin, which enhances our sense of happiness and wellbeing.

A study by agricultural economist Charles Benbrook finds that the use of glyphosate has spiked 15-fold globally since genetically modified, “Roundup Ready” crops were introduced in 1996. The percentage of Americans with traceable levels of glyphosate in their bodies rose from 12 percent in 1972 to 70 percent by 2014, according to researchers at the University of California San Diego.
— Amy Martin, Research and Writing Fellow at Food Tank 
Farmers Market

photo by paul Garrett

7 Simple Things That You Can Do to Save the Planet and Be Healthy

  1. Eat organic produce and pasture raised meat and eggs

  2. Protect your gut biome and your body from toxins

  3. Support your local organic/regenerative farmers

  4. Learn more about regenerative farming and its benefits

  5. Talk about this topic on social media

  6. Compost discarded food and natural yard debris

  7. Start your own organic garden

  8. Share this article

Healthy Planet, Healthy Lives - Final Thoughts

You are the revolution! Where you spend your money and what you eat will change the world. Don’t look to politicians. Most of them are bought and serve the corporations. Look to yourself to create change in this world. Be the example that inspires friends and family members to do the same. Love yourself by eating the purest and healthiest foods. By doing so you will support the farmers who are caring for the earth, its purity and the future of our planet. You are more powerful than you believe you are. Use your power for good and stay healthy.

Thank you for reading this article and for caring enough to be the change that we need in this world!

Peace and love,

Paul Garrett

PS - If live in an apartment and do not have land for a vegetable garden, I will show you how to grow highly nutritious veggie sprouts using jars in an upcoming article. In addition, if you would like to receive notifications of when new blog posts are available, please sign up for my free newsletter.


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