Creating Happiness During the Holidays - Tips 7 to 9

Creating Happiness During the Holidays - Tips 7 to 9

A huge source of stress during this holiday season is the “obligation” that we feel to buy gifts for way too many people. This not only bursts our budgets, it also steals our happiness and our energy.

Do yourself a huge favor and narrow down your shopping list this year! Furthermore, try to only give gifts that come from your heart. The Bible says, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Remember that! If you are not a cheerful giver, then don’t bother giving.

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5 Vital Tips for Feeling More Energetic

5 Vital Tips for Feeling More Energetic

The average American gets around 6.8 hours of sleep each night, when the ideal amount is around 8 hours. Our bodies need sleep in order to heal and regenerate. Our brains also need time out to process information and to rest. If we continually deprive ourselves of sleep, our bodies and our minds are not able to function at their maximum potential and eventually we get into the habit of being tired throughout much of the day. If you want to feel more energetic, make it a habit of getting around eight hours of sleep each night. Not only will you be able to think more clearly and creatively, you will also be healthier.

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