Predictions for 2024 and How to Rise Above the Negativity

2024 is set to be a historically chaotic year, but you can still thrive and rise above the fear that will undoubtedly be propagandized to us at an increasingly higher level by the corporate mainstream media, which no longer reports the straight unbiased facts. If you have been paying attention, it is clear that the old guard news agencies work together to overwhelm the public with narratives that they create to control the minds of their viewers, listeners and readers. In other words, the media has sadly become a tool that is used to manipulate the minds of the masses.

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Awareness, Awakening & Truth

This is blog is about awareness and empowerment so I will not dwell on conspiracy theories. However, if we want to live our best lives, we have to be aware of how the old guard tricks us into believing their narratives at our own expense.

Humanity is going through a massive awakening which is leading us to higher consciousness. As we take back our power and learn to think critically for ourselves we become better at discerning the truth.

The best way to predict the future is to create it.
— Peter F. Druker

Have you ever noticed how the elite tell us what’s going to happen in the world before it happens. The “powers that be” can predict future problems often times because they create them. Look back years before the pandemic when the Director of the NIHIA said that there would be a major pandemic during Trump’s first term. How did he know that? Think about the quote above and you’ll have the answer. They create a problem and then they act like they are our saviors as they sell us their solutions. Solutions that often deprive us of our freedom, our health and our free will.

The other way to predict the future is to look at repeating patterns in history. If you want to have an idea of what is ahead this year, look back at the 2019 Presidential election year and remember the chaos, the riots, the impeachment and the release of CV19 upon the world.

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This year you can expect even more unrest and chaos that will once again be created to disrupt the elections in the USA next November and keep people in a state of fear so that the corrupt powers can remain in control.

Based on the past, this year we can most likely expect more:

• Economic instability and inflation

• More wars and rumors of war

• More news about aliens and UFO’s

• Food supply disruptions & raising food prices

• Exposure of scandals in government, corporations & in Hollywood

• Election fraud and postponement

• Cyber attacks

Power outages

False flag attacks blamed on terrorism

• Exposure of the evils of child trafficking and abuse

• Social unrest, protests, chaos and violence

Disease X

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All of the above may or may not be used to keep us in states of fear, stress and struggle, but with awareness you can rise above the noise and actually create personal peace and abundance for yourself. The coming collapse of the broken old systems is necessary so that humanity can build a world where peace, justice, power and prosperity can be restored to “we the people.” This has to happen so do not be afraid. The light is overcoming the darkness. Once we get through this difficult period we can give birth to a new golden age, and create a better world.


First of all, stop counting on the mainstream media to give you objective journalism. What was once journalism has clearly become propaganda. When you see newscasters going off on angry rants and telling you how to think, they have clearly abandoned the professional tenets of true journalism. Always question what they are saying and what agendas they are driving. Be aware that fear not only sells news, but it is the number one tool for controlling your mind. Turn off the news, think for yourself and do your own research. Once you have taken a break from the news, notice how much happier you are becoming.

We cannot control what is happening in the world, but we can control what is going on within ourselves. Focus on becoming a better person in all aspects of your life. A good life comes from finding balance and healing in your mind, body and spirit.

Yogini Meditating

Photo by Paul Garrett

How to Nourish Your Mind, Body and Spirit

Mind: Use meditation to calm your mind. When you experience a mental spiral, ask yourself if what you are worried about is actually true. When we face our fears and overcome them we become more peaceful and resilient. We also increase our level of courage by facing adversity and overcoming it.

Read books, play problem solving games and do research to stimulate your mind.  It is important to keep your brain active and the knowledge that you gain will help you make money and become a more interesting person.

Body: Your body is your temple and your vehicle for exploring life on planet earth. Make 2024 the year that you dedicate yourself to eating natural organic foods so that your body can remain healthy and strong. It is also important to walk everyday and to add strength training to your weekly routine. According to AARP increasing muscle mass can help you live a longer and healthier life. I go to the gym 6 days a week, I get sun exposure almost everyday, I’ve reduced my daily calorie intake to two meals plus healthy snacks. I eat mostly plant based, I consume very few processed foods and I look and feel really good as a result. I also make getting eight hours of sleep every night and reducing stress in my home priorities.

Spirit: You are a spirit having a human experience. So many of us live life on auto pilot and are sadly detached from our spiritual lives. This is what happens when we get caught up in the rat race of life. When we are in a state of fight, flight or freeze, the ego tries to edge out your spirit. Ego is driven by fear, but spirit is eternal and it will bring you love and peace. You connect to your spirit through your heart. In order to do this it is important to practice awareness and calm your mind. Once again, a meditation practice will help you do this. Practicing gratitude will also help you connect with your spirit and give you a more positive outlook. Another benefit of connecting with your spirit is that your intuition will increase and help you find your path and your purpose in life.

Once again, do not let what’s going on in the world lower your vibration. Do everything from a place of love and joy. In a time of division it is important to be a uniter. Get to know your neighbors and create community. Spend more quality time with friends and family. Make fun and spending time in nature a regular part of your life.  This is a year of TRUTH. Truth about the corrupt ways of the world and truth about ourselves. Facing the truth is the only way to fix our broken world and facing our internal truths helps us heal and sets us free.

In future blogs I will delve deeper into the topics of health, wealth, healing, relationships, spirituality, and good nutrition to help you live your very best life. Please subscribe to my newsletter if you are ready to have a fantastic year and thank you for reading this blog!

All the best,

Paul Garrett

PS - It is always wise to protect you and your family by being prepared at home. Stock up on food, water and essential goods including medical supplies and cash. Also make sure that you have the means to cook your food in case the power goes out. Finally, stay away from urban unrest. We can bring peace by being the peace that we seek.

Check out the video below to learn more about how to prepare for disasters.

Total Soulful Journey

Awaken • Inspire • Empower